Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Take our playbook, please

I grow weary of the wide-spread argument that President Obama is an inexperienced, bumbling innocent who is simply naïve of history when it comes to foreign policy

The time for words has passed. President Obama and Eric Holder are placing American lives in danger and openly aiding and abetting America's enemies. President Obama and Holder want to give civilian trials to confessed 9-11 mass-murderer Kalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and his accomplices.

President Obama couldn't find a precedent if he wanted one. The only prominent Supreme Court cases granting terrorists rights in civilian court are irrelevant in the case of KSM. The Supreme Court decision Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, which ruled that US citizens held in Guantanamo are entitled to Habeas Corpus, fails because KSM is not a US citizen.

Giving civilian trials to non-US citizens and unlawful combatants not even protected by the Geneva Convention is both unconstitutional and a violation of the oath of office to defend Americans against all enemies foreign and domestic.

If America allows President Obama to proceed unchallenged in his move to give citizens' legal rights to foreign terrorists, what's next? How can a nation control its destiny when virtual agents of our enemies control policy? It's time to call things what they are, and act accordingly.

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