Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Palinistas....

MPR's Tim Nelson reports that several hundred people are in line at the Mall of America with the hopes that they get former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to sign her book, Going Rogue, for them. Palin is scheduled to appear at the Mall of America at noon today.

Update: The DNC is also keeping tabs/commenting on Palin's visit. The DNC's Frank Benenati sent out this statement:

In advance of Sarah Palin's stop in Minnesota today, please find below everything you need to know about Going Rogue - a memoir that has been received as 1) political payback for Palin's rivals that adds to the tabloid nature of her profile rather than provide a display of substantive policy chops that would reset her ability to be taken as a serious leader; and 2) substantively more fiction than fact compounding the credibility problems she earned during the 2008 campaign. These factors are reflecteLinkd in recent polling which shows extraordinary disapproval numbers and small minorities who feel she's qualified to be President. The sensational nature of Palin's book continues to dominate news cycles - and does so to the detriment of the Republican Party. Combined with her dismal polling numbers and Republican willingness to cede the party to her and her polarizing tea party following, the political impact of her re-emergence, spells political disaster for the GOP going into 2010 and beyond.

You can find some of the links in the Benenati's e-mail here.


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