Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Export-Import bank opposes Iran sanctions

Subject: txt gwot nsec iran israel -
Michael Goldfarb is reporting over at the Weekly Standard that the Export-Import Bank is attempting to scuttle Iran sanctions legislation that is working its way through the House .

This set of sanctions would target Iran's import of refined oil products-gasoline and heating oil. Despite vast quantities of petroleum, Iran has made a shambles of its own refinery network and relied on outside companies (Indian and others) to provide its gas stations with fuel. Iran has met with protests from its citizens when it has tried to ration and raise the price of its heavily subsidized gas. One of their weakest points is precisely the one that the House is focusing on as a way to dissuade Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

It appears that Barack Obama's appointee as head of the Export-Import Bank is operating behind the scenes to thwart these attempts to bring a halt to Iran's nuclear program...


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