Saturday, November 28, 2009

Summit of Self-Interests

Subject: txt grn intl bdd -
Fewer than 50% of British people believe there is a genuine climate problem caused by humans. And of that 50% most have no idea what the science says anyway. Same goes for the USA and most other countries. Nor do the leaders of those countries know the extent of worldwide concern, that nations are stripping their assets to follow unproven science. Or, more likely, they are ignoring it.

There is the general delusion that climate change is caused by CO2 even though the science says otherwise. There is also the general delusion that man can change climate by altering his CO2 emissions. This is another fallacy, unproven by science.

So, what is [really] going on? [snip]

Yet, economies are being driven to collapse by relying totally on only one side of the argument. The evidence suggests this is deliberate. Laws and policies that control and remove freedoms of choice are being produced at break-neck speed. People are now unable to heat their homes, or travel far. And there is inordinate taxation.

But, there is no natural shortage of oil – there is more oil ready to be tapped than ever before! There are plenty of fossil fuels – coal and gas.

And green taxes go to pay for… well, nothing in particular… ask government what the money actually pays for. You’ll find the answer is quite nebulous and unscientific...[snip]

This means that leaders who attend the Summit represent only themselves and their own interests. They certainly do not represent their peoples. Why are governments pushing the green agenda? It has nothing at all to do with ‘saving the planet’.

The sole reason is power and money. Behind the whole enterprise is socialism, and a struggle to create a one world government.

Both Gordon Brown and Barack Obama have openly said so...


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