Saturday, November 28, 2009

Climategate: how they all squirm

[Credit where due - the field of professional journalism is not yet completely devoid of professional journalists...]

Among the many great amusements of the Climategate scandal are the myriad imaginative excuses being offered by the implicated scientists and their friends in the MSM as to why this isn’t a significant story. Here are some of the best:

Most Unexpectedly Honourable Response: The Guardian’s eco-columnist George Monbiot

Say what you like about the Great Moonbat, the heliophobic Old Stoic is the ONLY member of the Climate-Fear-Promotion camp to have delivered a proper apology.

"I apologise. I was too trusting of some of those who provided the evidence I championed. I would have been a better journalist if I had investigated their claims more closely..."

[long list of hilarious, or frightening, responses to what should be the bursting of the AWG scam...]


[And in 2090?]

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