Saturday, November 28, 2009

Regular readers shouldn't dismiss this special edition as just more of the same re: the Global Warming Canard. We've reached a critical point in this global attempt to use a false scientific premise as mechanism to seize governmental control of virtually all human activity and redistribute wealth on a global scale under the auspices of a de facto, unelected one world government.

The real story here isn't the exposure of the pervasive deception that has been perpetrated against humanity - that's been long known to anyone paying attention - but rather the race we find ourselves in to convince our so-called representatives that we're aware of their maleficence and will hold them accountable if they don't cease and desist in their machinations immediately.

Make no mistake; the power and money that will be won should they succeed in legislatively {in which I include international treaties} locking-in this lie are so vast as to warrant nearly any temporary embarrassment or condemnation - and so they {you know who they are} are intent on forcing this upon humanity safe in the knowledge that the power it garners them will make them all but immune to repercussions.

Like it or not YOU'RE in a fight for your children's future liberties - playing spectator won't suffice in this instance. As even a cursory review of the titles below proves, the only activity matching the scope of deception on this topic is its near black-out by major American media - and as multiple recent events have proven, the nearly-half of Americans that still get their 'news' from TV can be duped into believing anything {not the criticism it may sound when you consider they're only hearing one side's opinion on the issue} .

It therefore falls to those of us not so blinded to magnify our impact beyond our numbers by taking advantage of the power of the internet. PLEASE: Read, share with your friends, contact all your representatives and encourage them to do likewise. It will take government by the people to derail this monstrosity {in all its forms at all its levels} in its eleventh hour, and the enemies of liberty know the hour is late and are hurrying...

We need do likewise.

The former requires the latter.


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