Thursday, October 8, 2009

POLL: 78% of Those Following Polanski Story Say He Should Go To Prison

Subject: txt bdd vals msm bias -
Polanski, best known for the film "Chinatown," was recently arrested in Switzerland on an outstanding warrant from Los Angeles and is now the subject of extradition proceedings to bring him back to the United States.

He pleaded guilty to the 1977 rape but fled the United States out of fear that the judge in the case would send him to prison.

Since then, he has continued to make films overseas and been a high-profile international celebrity. Polanski’s surprise arrest prompted an outpouring of support from the Hollywood and international artistic community, but that has been muted in recent days with the retelling of the facts in the case.

The failure to arrest Polanski despite his high international visibility helps explain why 72% of Americans think celebrities get special treatment from the U.S. justice system. Only 15% think that system treats everybody about the same, while 13% are not sure.

Younger adults are even more skeptical of the U.S. justice system than their elders.

[Me, I'm a moderate on this issue: drag his ass back here to stand trial - then send him up the creek...]


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