Thursday, October 8, 2009

Obama can't downsize to success in Afghanistan

Subject: txt gwot -
During last year's campaign, Barack Obama stressed that while he wanted to withdraw from Iraq, he was no pacifist. "As president," he said on July 15, 2008,

"I will make the fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban THE top priority that it should be. This is a war that we have to win."

[Name one instance in the world's long history of warfare where 'moderation' every won a war. One. You either fight to win, or lose by default.

Worse, this particular situation is likely to prove {again} Jefferson's maxim that all wars must be won at all costs, as that is always less costly than losing.]



Lose Afghanistan, Lose Pakistan, Lose Iran, Lose It All
The gangster regimes of the world are on the march, and they've got our number...

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