Thursday, October 8, 2009

MSNBC Drags Out Scarborough to Argue it's Not a 'One-Party' Network

Subject: txt msm bias fnn -
Political consultant Mike Murphy is a veteran defender of Old Media (he once praised Dan Rather to his face as unbiased on CNN), so it wasn’t surprising on Sunday’s Meet the Press when he accused Fox News and MSNBC of being dueling "freak shows...amplifying the shrillest voices" as "one-party cable networks."

What was amusing was Rachel Maddow pushing around Joe Scarborough as proof of MSNBC’s bipartisanship.

MADDOW: Wait, is, is Joe Scarborough, which network is he on? Which one-party network?

MURPHY: He's on your liberal network.

MADDOW: So he's the--how is that a one-party network?

This is where Murphy should have pulled out Scarborough’s Washington Monthly piece rooting for the Republicans to get "their brains beaten in" in 2006...

[I.e., it's called a token - but some folks fall for it again and again. Scarborough is conservative like Specter was Republican.]


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