Friday, October 23, 2009

Health Care Endgame: Thug Politics

Subject: txt 1st hcare -
So this is what "change we can believe in" done the Chicago way really looks like - Barack Obama and his White House capos muscling recalcitrant opponents and promising to crush those who don't get in line.

Obama has zeroed in on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Fox News and doctors. There's nothing coincidental about this trio of targets, either: They are, respectively, the nation's most powerful business lobby, the television voice for Middle Americans worried about where Obama is taking the country, and the professional group with the greatest potential power to kill Obamacare.

How the muscle is applied differs in detail from case to case, but the common message is there for all - you get in line or you pay a steep price for crossing Obama...

The goal clearly is to discredit, then bleed the chamber of its lifeblood, membership dues ... Politico reported, "on the same day as his energy secretary, Steven Chu, said it was 'wonderful' that companies had left the chamber" because of its opposition to cap & trade legislation...

The White House approved of Reid's message to recalcitrant doctors:

If they didn't drop their demand for medical malpractice lawsuit reforms their Medicare reimbursement payments would drop by 21 percent next year and by 40 percent by 2016...

Obama can't silence Fox, but that's not his goal. He's sending a message to all other news organizations that if they report on what Fox (and only Fox) is uncovering, they too will lose access to 'the won'...

READ MOREimage toon - lbrty libs reps msm - No one must ever critize Oby

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