Friday, October 23, 2009

Give War a Chance

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With apologies to Louis Armstrong, it is not a wonderful world any longer. Today, it's a strange and dangerous world where reason and humanity have largely been replaced by fanaticism and treachery.

Leading the league in villainy are the Iranian mullahs and their chief enabler, the Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin. While America, Britain and France are desperately trying to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, Russia has announced it does not want to threaten the mullahs with economic sanctions.

Putin also says we should "compromise" with Iran. Let's see, how would that work? Perhaps the Iranians could promise to destroy only half of Israel. Maybe the mullahs could only finance and train Hezbollah and let Hamas go elsewhere.

This Putin is some piece of work. For years, he's been arming Iran, even sending them missile components. He does this because he knows Iran causes the USA and Israel much grief, and he likes that. President Bush's response was to invite Putin to his ranch for some barbecue. President Obama's response has been to remove some defensive missiles from Eastern Europe that Putin didn't like.

This is just dumb. Russia is doing everything it can to make sanctions impossible. I understand that Clinton has to be diplomatic, but the USA is getting its rear end kicked here.... [snip]

Many in the world despised Bush for acting alone in fighting the war on terror. Obama has promised to change the unilateral approach and seek consensus in defeating the bad guys.
How's it going so far, Mr. President?



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