Friday, October 2, 2009

Gore and Google: Pants on Fire

Subject: txt grn - msm -
Earth's self-anointed global warming czar, Al Gore, has teamed up with his business partners at Google (he's an Advisory Board member) to make the latest pitch for a planet that is about to burst into a bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Together they have created an internet video which heralds Google's entrance into the world of climate forecasting.

The video champions Google's new mapping tool which simulates a 3D map of the world predicting the effects of "climate change" through the year 2100. They claim their data is provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

According to Google, the mapping tool was introduced in partnership with the Danish Government ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Convention in December. In otherwords, this is a visual ruse to scare the hell of out of the uninformed masses.

Yet the IPCC itself believes that over the next 90+ years, even their usually enthusiastic global warming editors are not anticipating the kind of predictions that Gore/Google are spitting out:

The IPCC states, "All studies for the 21st century project that Antarctic [ice] changes will contribute negatively to sea level..." That means there is more snow and ice accumulating on Antarctica than is breaking off and melting into the surrounding waters. In addition the 2007 report declares, "...for the last two decades... Antarctica as a whole has not warmed."

Regarding the potential collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, the IPCC says, " quantitative information is available from the current generation of ice sheet models as to the likelihood of timing of such an event." And, regarding the swamping of major cities projected by Gore/Google, the report reads, "...accelerated sea level rise caused by rapid dynamic response of the ice sheets to climate change is very unlikely during the 21st century."

Regarding Greenland, the IPCC states: "...the total melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet, which would raise global sea level by about seven metres, is a slow process that would take many hundreds of years to quantitative information is available from the current generation of ice sheet models as to the likelihood or timing of such an event"

Gore and Google have an agenda: money.

For Gore it's the payday he'll secure through carbon trading; for the Google guys, it includes providing critical technology for the energy monitoring plans involved in the coming 'Smart Grid'...

Hmm. Besides the smoldering shorts, I'm noting noses as long as a telephone wire.


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