Friday, October 2, 2009

Disarmament for All (Except the UN)

Subject: txt nsec owg -
In the midst of one of the greatest existential threats of our times, President Obama is pursuing severe reductions in US military strength. His recent statements at the United Nations have merely added fuel to the fire. When combined with his pledge to reduce US nuclear weapons stockpiles by 80 percent, a clear pattern emerges.

These actions would seem irrational, even by Obama's standards, if they weren't in keeping with a 50-year old strategy aimed at unilaterally disarming the United States in order that a "progressively strengthened" UN Peace Force might be established.
Among the document's many alarming proposals, one stands out:

"The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their reestablishments in any form whatsoever other than those required for internal order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force...."

This idea has been steadily advanced during both Republican and Democrat administrations alike and, incredibly, this abominable plan is still being implemented...

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