.Speaking on the West Front of the Capitol surrounded by Democratic lawmakers, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the House's version of a health care reform bill will include a government-run insurance option and extend coverage to 36 million uninsured Americans.
She said the bill will lower patient costs and reduce the national deficit. [Today's insult]
The bill would require everyone by 2013 to sign up through their employer, a government program or a new kind of purchasing pool called an exchange. The plan also calls for a significant expansion of Medicaid, the federal-state health program for low-income people. And it would impose a requirement on employers to offer insurance to their workers or face penalties.
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office on Thursday released a report saying that the House bill will have a net cost of $894 billion over the next decade. [Not counting the 1/4 Trillion "doctor fix" price tag that has been removed to pay separately, or the fact it calls for increased taxation for years before any benefit is paid out. It's the course accounting deceit they've employed to force CBO to conclude the {utterly false} numbers claimed in the bill result in deficit 'reduction'. ][snip]
"Americans' health care is too important to risk on one gigantic bill that was negotiated behind closed doors,"
said Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich.
"Not only will the Democrats' government takeover of health care lead to increased costs, higher taxes, and cuts to Medicare, it also feeds into the emerging narrative that Nancy Pelosi and her puppets are more interested in creating government even if it comes at the expense of creating jobs,"
said NRCC communications director Ken Spain.
"The lasting image coming out of today's press conference is one of dozens of House Democrats standing proudly behind an incredibly unpopular Nancy Pelosi as she prepares to lead them off a political cliff."
[Only if the American people hold them accountable for the maleficence. Meanwhile...]
Pelosi wants to have the legislation on the floor next week -- with a final vote before Veterans Day, Nov. 11 -- which would give President Obama a bill to sign by year's end.
[Then >

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image toon - 1st hcare = Pelosi Ried pilots way off on health care