Thursday, October 29, 2009

Biofuel Production Increases Greenhouse Gases In Atmosphere

Subject: txt grn - Study:
For several years, Nobel Laureate Al Gore and his media sycophants have been telling the nation that a movement away from fossil fuels to biofuels is necessary to save the planet from the Left's bogeyman known as global warming.

A new study by the Marine Biological Laboratory raises series questions about this premise.

According to MBL's Thursday press release,

"Carbon emissions caused by the displacement of food crops and pastures may be twice as much as those from lands devoted to biofuels production."

Nice. So rather than acting as the well-touted global warming panacea, biofuel production is anything but. Given pending cap and trade legislation currently before Congress, one would think this study would be of great importance... [Alas, evidently not...]


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