Friday, October 30, 2009

POLL: 48% Say It’s Too Easy To Sue Doctors, 44% Favor Caps on Jury Awards

Subject: txt hcare
Just 19% say it is too hard to sue for medical malpractice, while 18% believe the current legal situation is about right. Sixteen percent (16%) are undecided.

Perhaps one explanation for the plurality support for caps is that 56% of voters think most money won in medical malpractice lawsuits goes to lawyers rather than the defendants. Only 19% say the defendants get most of the money won in such lawsuits. Nearly one-out-of-four voters (24%) aren’t sure.

Seventy-five percent (75%) say medical malpractice lawsuits are an important factor in the rising cost of health care. Thirty-three percent (33%) say they are very important. Just 16% say malpractice lawsuits are not very important in terms of increasing the cost of health care, and only one percent (1%) says they are not important at all.

[Yet none of the bills before either chamber of Congress address this aspect at all.]


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