Friday, October 30, 2009


Subject: txt immig -
Over half of Mexican nationals polled in a recent survey by Zogby International say that amnesty would create a massive influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico. With Mexico being the major source nation for illegal immigrants, this should serve as a wake up call to those in Congress calling for amnesty. Yet, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and others continue to claim that legalization measures within comprehensive immigration reform are the answer to the illegal immigration problems of the United States. Apparently, the pro-amnesty camp is not worried about letting history repeat itself. For example:

  • After the last amnesty bill in 1986, the United States did indeed see a flood of illegal immigrants crossing the border.
  • Numbers soared from an estimated 3 million illegal immigrants in the country to 20 million today.

It should come as no surprise that upon seeing those already in the country being handed legal status and a path to citizenship, others sought to come to the United States and simply wait out their chance.

By granting another amnesty, we will not solve the illegal immigration problem, but simply put the country in the same place in another twenty years...


1 comment:

Brittanicus said...

The 1986 Simpson/ Mazzoli bill for BLANKET AMNESTY was never broken. It was just stripped of its enforcement powers. It was corrupted by politicians for their business consortium friends, who expected no prohibition on the free flow of millions of impoverished, illiterate workers they could use as slave labor. The 1986 immigration control and reform act translated into travesty of immigration laws. Use amendments to the bill, instead of producing a brand new law in catering to the wide open border conspirators. IF---Immigration Reform passes their is going to be a behemoth backlash never seen before against politicians, open border reanimated fanatics and the business world. IF it happens it could led to massive marches and displays of civil unrest, because it will be against the US populace. It must be remembered--that clanging a bell that a new comprehensive immigration reform package or BLANKET AMNESTY is going to pass. In seconds by email, by 21st communications everybody from the Amazon to Mongolia will get the message. Millions will descend on a almost defenseless American continent, looking for free government handouts, that includes education, health care and a free room, food in prison detention. As I have said before, not the US Border Patrol, not the National Guard will be able to stop the onslaught. Only if we bring home the troops from Korea, Japan, Germany and even Afghanistan and picketing these men/women from Brownsville Texas to San Diego, California would we even stand a chance of halting a desperate humanity. Can you imagine the tide of people who want to live in America?