Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who taught you to lie, call people names, and accuse people of racism?

Where did the Democratic Congress, the Obama administration, and the main stream media learn to act so rudely, obnoxiously, and disingenuously; to call people names, treat others without any common courtesy or manners, and above all else to be deceptive and lie to citizens of the United States?

What explains a systemic failure of this magnitude in so many politicians and main stream media types?

An article by syndicated columnist and political commentator Charles Krauthammer in Washington Post provides the perfect example of the chimerical lie. This is just one of three examples Mr. Krauthammer provides in his article.

(1) "I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits - either now or in the future" he solemnly pledged. I will not sign it if it adds one dime to our deficit, now or in the future. Period"

Wonderful. The president seems serious, veto-ready, determined to hold the line. Until, notes Harvard economist Greg Mankiw, you get to Obama's very next sentence:

"And to prove that I'm serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don't materialize."

This apparent strengthening of the pledge brilliantly and deceptively undermines it... [snip]

Nancy Pelosi is the undisputed leader of the pack when it comes to name calling. She, along with House majority leader Steny Hoyer, called people opposing health care reform un-American in their op-ed piece published in USA Today. Pelosi continued her name calling campaign by referring to health care protestors as astroturfers.

Pelosi didn't stop until she insinuated health care protestors were Nazi's because she saw someone with a swastika at a health care town hall meeting. Anyone with any common sense understands the protestors are not Nazi's, rather they were comparing out-of-control government spending and government takeover of private industry to nationalized socialism, which is where the term Nazi is derived... [snip]

Worst of all, the Democrats and main-stream media have sunk to a new low by now castigating anyone that opposes Oama administration policies as guilty of racism.

Those Americans protesting President Obama's policies are judging Obama by the content of his character, not the color of his skin. Those Americans protesting the size of the national debt, excessive spending and taxation, excessive waste and fraud are judging all officials in Washington that support those policies, past and present... [snip]

Is it too much for the hard-working American to expect our elected officials to conduct themselves as adults, to not lie and deceive us, to be respectful? Is it too difficult to understand that Americans have discourse and grievances with our elected leaders and the federal government? Really, is it too much to expect of you?

If so, perhaps you are unfit to govern.


image toon - msm bias libs reps bdd - Bush naxzi v Oby nazi = racist vals 1st

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