Wednesday, September 23, 2009

U.S. Media Ignoring About Face by Leading Global Warming Proponent

Imagine if the Pope suddenly announced that the Catholic Church had been wrong for centuries about prohibiting priests from marrying. Would that be considered big news?

And yet something like that has happened in the field of global warming in which a major scientist has announced that the world, in contrast to his previous belief, is actually cooling.

This was the analogy made by columnist Lorne Gunter in the Calgary Herald:

...When a leading proponent for one point of view suddenly starts batting for the other side, it's usually newsworthy.

So why was a speech last week by Prof. Mojib Latif of Germany's Leibniz Institute not given more prominence?

Latif is one of the leading climate modellers in the world. He is the recipient of several international climate-study prizes and a lead author for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He has contributed significantly to the IPCC's last two five-year reports that have stated unequivocally that man-made greenhouse emissions are causing the planet to warm dangerously.

Yet last week in Geneva, at the UN's World Climate Conference--an annual gathering of the so-called "scientific consensus" on man-made climate change -- Latif conceded that the global warming theory has been based all along on the idea that the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans would absorb much of the greenhouse warming caused by a rise in man-made carbon dioxide, then they would let off that heat and warm the atmosphere and the land.

But as Latif pointed out, the Atlantic, and particularly the North Atlantic, has been cooling instead. And it looks set to continue cooling ... "How much?" he wondered before the assembled delegates. "The jury is still out."

So are these the isolated opinions of a Canadian columnist? Nope. A BBC blogger, Tom Feilden, also made similar observations:

Far from suggesting the planet will get warmer, one of the world's leading climate modellers says the latest data indicates we could be in for a significant period of steady temperatures and possibly even global cooling. [which is much more dangerous to man]

With apologies to Al Gore, professor Latif's finding is something of an "inconvenient truth" for the global warming debate.

The global warming narrative - that mankind's addiction to burning fossil fuels is rapidly changing the climate - may be about to go seriously off message.

Feilden provides a reason why Latif's finding is currently being ignored by most of the media:

But the complex message professor Latif's research confronts us with, points up another issue debated on the programme this morning: The thorny issue of the media's handling of science...

And most members of the MSM in the United States are interested only in viewpoints that conform with the global warming dogma that they have been strongly promoting for the past few years. No inconvenient truths allowed that would saw off the limb they went out on.


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