Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The best way to protect American jobs and create new ones is to see the economic opportunities that exist in selling to 95 percent of the world's customers who live outside of our borders, says Tom Donohue, president and CEO of the United States Chamber of Commerce.

The overwhelming majority of Americans derive great benefits from trade:

  • An astonishing 57 million Americans work for companies that benefit from exports..
  • One in five factory jobs depends on exports, and one in three acres on America's farms are planted for consumers overseas.

A major surge of exports is our best path out of recession, double-digit unemployment and exploding deficits.

We should set a national goal of doubling U.S. exports in five years.

To achieve this goal, we must do the following:

  • Enact the pending free trade agreements -- if we dawdle while Canada and the European Union move ahead with their own trade accords with Colombia, Panama, and Korea, American workers will be put at a disadvantage,
  • Lend a hand to small businesses looking to sell their goods overseas; while a quarter million small and mid-size companies currently export, many more should be looking for customers overseas.
  • Go on the offensive -- this administration will be stuck playing defense against isolationist initiatives until it devises a forward-leaning trade agenda of its own; strong leadership is needed now to expand trade, backed by actions as well as words.

The Chamber has just released a study estimated the loss of half a million American jobs should we fail to approve just the pending trade agreements.

Imagine how many additional jobs could be created by pursuing expanded trade...

[Sitting down? From the Huffington Post... ]


image toon - trade = Tarrifs racing wrong direction

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