Monday, September 14, 2009

MSNBC, Thy Name is Racist

You would think MSNBC would have learned after getting caught in a deliberately doctored piece of video, which tried to portray town hall protestors as white racists. The video showed a man ‘packing heat' outside an event where the President was speaking, but was edited in such a way as to conceal the fact that the man was actually African-American.

Since that video aired (and was immediately exposed as altered Kyle Drennen on August 18th), MSNBC has continuously hammered home the message that town hall and Tea Party attendees, conservatives, Republicans, or generally anyone who opposes the President, is racist.

Some examples:

  • Keith Olbermann, calling Fox News viewers ‘tin foil hatters, conspiracy theorists, paranoids and racists.'
  • David Shuster profiling the Republican Party as ‘all white males with short haircuts.' ... angry and unhinged, with ‘no women, no minorities.'
  • Tamron Hall was appalled "to have that southern white male shout down the first black president'.
  • Ed Schultz echoes the ‘crazies' sentiment, and stating that some are likely ‘lunatics' who feel it is their ‘responsibility to take out the president'.
  • Have reservations about former Obama appointed green-jobs czar Van Jones and committed 9/11 truther, and you are most definitely a racist according to Keith Olbermann.
  • Mike Barnicle and Chuck Todd discussing 'if' race is the real reason for all opposition to President Obama.
  • Chris Matthews saying that opposition to the President is based on ‘who he is, where he comes from, his background'.

This is a pretty significant race baiting resume submitted by MSNBC. Remember, this list only includes events happening since the bait and switch charge of racism that the network put forth using a doctored video.

As a general rule of thumb, those who continually play the race card to make an argument are, in fact, racists themselves.


image toon - vals bdd libs = Dems see nothing but racism in ink blot tests

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