Monday, September 14, 2009

Debate over protest numbers masks the historic nature of the event

The battle over numbers who attended the protests at the Capitol continues today. ABC News actually had the temerity to publish the laughable estimate of 70,000. But I believe these guesstimates are missing the point.

No matter how you slice it, yesterday's outpouring was historic in nature; the first, genuine conservative grass roots protest movement in American history.

"What makes today's massive turnout around the country so significant is that it is the first truly conservative mass movement in American history.

Conservatism has had very little interest in developing a mass movement like labor, socialists, or communists have focused on. Even the candidacies of Goldwater and Reagan were more party-oriented than ideological in nature... I think it unfair for the media or the left to characterize this movement as "Republican."

It is definitely an opposition movement, however. Certainly there is mass unhappiness with President Obama and his policies. And there is opposition to the Democrats in Congress. But I doubt it all translates into electoral strength for Republicans.

The anger here is a reaction against a growing government, higher taxes, and the sense that the country that they grew up in is slipping away right before their eyes.


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