Monday, September 14, 2009

Maher Charges Racism Fuels Disrespect of Obama, Sees 'Subliminal Racism' on Drudge


As an instance of “what I mean by subliminally racist,” Maher displayed on screen an actual headline beneath a photo of Obama, “POLL HELL: OBAMA NEGS RISE.” In quite a stretch, he implied the racist angle:

“I just think for a certain number of people, when they see 'Negs Rise'-” ....

He trailed off, leaving viewers to imagine how he presumes “a certain number of people” will translate those words.

Cuing off that real headline, Maher then put up his own made up racist headlines as they would look on Drudge.

“some of the right-wingers are always dropping subliminally racist messages.”

[It's the Right that's always playing a race card. Uh-huh.]


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