Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chicago Suffers Unusually Cold Weather; Chicago Tribune Warns of Global Warming

That pretty much sums up the "scientific" analysis in a Chicago Tribune story warning of the terrible warming the Windy City will be enduring in the not too distant future. Never mind that Chicago has been experiencing much colder than normal weather this year as your humble correspondent noted last June when quoting the WGN Weather Center blog:

The cloudy, chilly and rainy open to June here has been the talk of the town.

"So far this June is running more than 12 degrees cooler than last year, and the average temperature at O'Hare International Airport through Friday has been only 59.5 degrees: nearly 7 degrees below normal and the coldest since records there began 50 years ago.

However, the weather that is actually occurring in Chicago is completely overlooked in the global warming warning story based on sheer speculation by Jim Tankersley...

[Agan, 'scam' is more accurate than 'hoax', it's the money...]


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