Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Attack of The Green Meanies

Saving the planet has grabbed the imagination of the naïve in the same grip as the old worker's paradise promised by the Bolsheviks

These two manifestoes share the common elements of absurdity, dogmatic conviction and the predictable dimension that the more their doctrines are proved false, the more their advocates defend them. In the case of Bolshevism, people's courts, midnight executions and propaganda were the instruments of coercion; in the case of man-made global warming, it's the Internet, politicized scientists and a mentally disabled mainstream media.

The origins of the modern green movement can be dated to another loony scientist, Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb published in 1968 that predicted the world would collapse into starvation and poverty by the year 2000 due to overpopulation. Ehrlich was wrong about everything he predicted, yet he is canonized as the spiritual leader of the environmental religion and serves as a darling of the ever-enfeebled media.

The righteous green activists are dedicated to continuing the war against capitalism by other means by promoting one-world government; subsuming the self-esteem of human beings to the vague collective good; and calling on enforcement of their policies by international fiat that trumps national interests -- just like their Bolshevik forbears.


image toon - grn = Alarmists finding it harder to frighten citizens

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