Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shhh! Gallup Reports That Conservatives Outnumber Libs in All 50 States; Media Plays Dumb

You know this is important polling news, because the establishment media is pretending it doesn't exist.

You can't find a relevant reference to it in searches on "Gallup" at the New York Times,, the Washington Post, or the LA Times. A Google News search on "Gallup conservatives outnumber liberals" (not in quotes) comes up with all of eight results.

The news isn't just that self-identified conservatives outnumber self-identified liberals nationwide. That's old hat. The big news from Gallup is that conservatives outnumber liberals in every state in the union, including supposedly uberliberal Vermont and Massachusetts.

It's hard not to wonder if someone at Gallup did what they did with the headline and subheadline to help ensure that establishment media outlets ignored this stunning news. I would suggest that they didn't have to work that hard; the media would have ignored it anyway.



Still the Biggest Missing Story in Politics

The answer is the same - just the same - America is still, in every way and from every vantage, a conservative nation.

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