Friday, July 17, 2009

House orders 'In God We Trust' engraved in new visitor center

Washington - The national motto, "In God We Trust," will be engraved in the Capitol Visitor Center, responding to critics who said Congress spent $621 million on the new facility without paying due respect to the nation's religious heritage.

The House voted 410-8 Thursday to direct the Architect of the Capitol to engrave ''In God We Trust'' and the Pledge of Allegiance in prominent places in the three-story underground center...

[HOW did a 3-story-621-million National visitor center get built without these cornerstones?

A: Intentionally. The only was you can understand how a conservative nation such as our must constantly battle with such liberal activism is that they've infiltrated and dominate so many of our institutions - most notably a) academia, b) the media, and c) government (not elected 'representatives', but bureaucrat 'lifers').

It's why government must be kept as small as possible...]


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