Friday, July 17, 2009

50% Say 'Rigged' Election Rules Explain High Reelection Rate for Congress

Why do virtually all members of Congress get reelected despite the public's disapproval of the legislative body they serve in? One answer frequently heard in Washington, D.C. is that “people hate Congress but love their own congressman.”

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 23% of voters really accept this answer. Those 23% believe members of Congress get reelected because they do a good job representing their constituents.

However, 50% believe the high reelection rates result from election rules that are “rigged to benefit members of Congress.” It is worth noting that the word “rigged” is a strong term included in this survey question. The fact that half the nation’s voters believe the election rules are "rigged" is a testament to the high levels of distrust in the country today.

Twenty-eight percent (28%) aren’t sure how to explain the extraordinarily high level of job security enjoyed by incumbent legislators.

[They know, they just weren't sure how to spell gerrymandering.]


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