Thursday, July 23, 2009

CNN Touts Obama at the NAACP: Bush Didn't 'Have the Same Kind of Credibility' as the Black President

The vision of the first black president speaking before the NAACP clearly mesmerized liberal reporters. But their ardor began to sound racially touchy when they suggested Obama has more "credibility" than pale presidents. On Thursday Night’s Anderson Cooper 360, Cooper oozed over the president:

"He had a lot more to say in a way that no other president has ever been able to before." [mac x3, r2l red + bold]
But the message itself hardly seemed any different than what President Bush would say, as Cooper summarized it:

"tremendous advances have been made in race relations in America, but there's still a lot of work to do." [l2r, red]

Cooper passed the baton to CNN reporter Suzanne Malveaux, who sounded the same touchy note:

"When we saw President Bush go before this group in 2006, a lot of tension, he ignored this group for five years or so. But his message was similar. He talked about the need for a ccountability, responsibility.
He did not have the same kind of credibility that President Obama does." [r2l, red then bolds]

Turn that around. Can you imagine anyone at CNN suggesting last year that Hillary Clinton or John McCain had "more credibility" with white audiences than Obama because of their skin color?


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