Thursday, July 23, 2009

CBS And NBC Tout Continued Relevance of NAACP

Marking the 100th anniversary of the NAACP on CBS’s Sunday Morning, correspondent Bill Whitaker wondered:

"A black president who addresses black issues unflinchingly... Attorney General Eric Holder dedicated to equal justice...some say begs the question, is the NAACP needed anymore? Is it even relevant? Is it time for the venerable organization to say ‘mission accomplished’?" [mac x3 indent-red - r2l red]

Later in the segment, Whitaker answered that question:

"Current NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous and former NAACP President Julian Bond say there’s still plenty of work to do." [same but l2r]

On NBC’s Nightly News on Wednesday, correspondent Ron Allen similarly questioned the NAACP’s relevance:

"Jealous says the battle [nothing adversarial there] now is to close the social and economic achievement [i.e., equality of outcomes] gap between people of color and mainstream America...A fight for justice and equality he insists must be carried on." [l2r then bolds + quips]
Neither Whitaker nor Allen applied any liberal political labels to the NAACP or featured any critics of the organization’s left-wing causes...


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