Monday, June 29, 2009

Obama Says We Shouldn't Treat Old Folks to Save Money And the Media Goes Deaf


I am wondering when the euthanasia folks are going to start touting this one? I mean, it sure seemed to me as if the most caring, most civil, most intelligent president ever just said that healthcare could be cheaper if we don't give old folks and the infirm the full measure of care they now get - we should just let them die or suffer because they aren't worth the effort.

Obama said during the ABC Special on Wednesday night that a way to save healthcare costs is to abandon the sort of care that "evidence shows is not necessarily going to improve" the patient's health. He went on to say that he had personal familiarity with such a situation when his grandmother broke her hip after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer:

"the question was, does she get hip replacement surgery, even though she was fragile enough they were not sure how long she would last?"

But who is it that will present the "evidence" that will "show" that further care is futile? Are we to believe that Obama expects individual doctors will make that decision in his bold new government controlled healthcare future? If he is trying to make that claim it is a flat out untruth and he knows it:

Government does not work by negotiation. Government does not work from the bottom up. It works from the top down. This singular fact means that no doctor will be deciding if you are too old or infirm to get medical care. It will be a medically untrained bureaucrat that sets a national rule that everyone will have to obey. There won't be any room for your grandma to have a different outcome than anyone else's.

So, what will it be then? Who will decide when medical care is just too expensive to bother with? Who will be left to perish because they just aren't worth the lifesaving effort? Well, for sure it won't be any members of Congress or anyone that works for the federal government because they won't be expected to suffer under the nationally socialized plan. It also won't be Obama's buddies in the unions who are about to be similarly exempted from the national plan, at least if Senator Max Baucus has his way.

And what ever happened to the left's mantra that healthcare is a "right" and that money should never enter into a life or death decision? Now that it's Obama saying it's just too darn expensive to save the old and infirm, will our friends on the left now disown Obama the "murderer"?

Imagine if Bush had said something like this? The left wouldn't have hesitated to call him any manner of names.

Oddly, though, the Old Media have not had so much as a raised eyebrow over his statements on Wednesday.

The media remained mum on the possibility that the President, Doctor of life, just said that old folks are too expensive to treat? Hello, CNN, NBC, New York Times... anyone?

[Another example of the real harm our media's spin-by-omission perpetrates.]


image toon = hcare = Oby as sham-now huckster re health care

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