Monday, June 29, 2009

Media Ignores Obama's False 'As I've Often Said' Reference to 'Exploration'


'It is time for us to lay a new foundation for economic growth by beginning a new era of energy exploration in America."

Gosh, that sounds positively capitalist. You would think the guy is finally going to let the oil companies do what they do best.

Not a chance. Here, from later in the speech, is (I think, because he never used any variation of "explore" anywhere else in the speech) how President 'Prompter defines "exploration":

"As I've often said, in the short term, as we transition to renewable energy, we can and should increase our domestic production of oil and natural gas. We're not going to transform our economy overnight. We still need more oil; we still need more gas. If we've got some here in the United States that we can use, we should find it, and do so in an environmentally sustainable way."

"If" we've got some? There's literally trillions of dollars worth of oil and natural gas within US borders and off US shores -- and hundreds of billions of dollars in royalties the cash-starved government could be collecting.

"If" we can use it?

Words fail.

[Does anyone doubt that 'environmentally sustainable' will be defined in such a way as to prevent any new drilling?]


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