Monday, June 29, 2009

How the MSM is harming Americans

I was saddened to hear that both Farah Fawcett and Michael Jackson died, but I am extremely maddened by the amount of coverage that MSM and even our "reliable" conservative networks are giving to them in light of the serious events which transpired this week.

One of the most serious events was the fact that Harold Koh was confirmed by the Senate on Wednesday June 24th as the State Department's Legal Advisor.

His transnationalist views promote blending international and domestic law. Indeed, this is particularly scary knowing that he believes traditional sovereignty is obsolete [see FLASHBACKSs below]. What are all those people thinking in the senate who voted for him at a 62-35 vote?

The other important event was the fact that on Friday, the United Nations adopted a 16-page document on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development.

Not only will it require the U.S. to give .7 GDP to foreign aid, it may demand 845 billion of U.S. citizens taxpayer dollars to achieve their Millilium Development goals.

Both of these events will seriously impact America in the near future and it is journalism's duty to inform the American public what this could mean to our country. Did we hear about these events? Did you?

Talk about Nero fiddling while Rome burned. We lost many freedoms last week. The course is set to turn us into a failed nation state, and the so called news media is on 24/7 beating the "dead horse."

America is becoming like M. Jackson. Self inflicted, misguided, drugged up and out of touch with reality.


Koh's Academic Hero Proposed 'Global Dictatorship'
The term “world government” is too benign for what Sohn proposed. The term “global dictatorship” would be more appropriate. But this is the direction that Koh apparently would take us.

Koh and Justice Ginsburg - Soulmates
The idea that our government should operate under any law save the Constitution is so outrageous as to place the individual arguing otherwise beyond reason.

The Fight Over Harold Koh
The heart of the concern with Koh, who is now the dean of Yale Law School, is that he believes in “transnationalism,” which is the notion that American courts should honor and apply the laws of other nations in our courts...

Obama Nominee for State Department Legal Adviser
"This is not a desk job. This guy will be the face of American international law around the world,"

"This is international imperialism. Under Koh's plan, the Constitution would become secondary and international law would take precedence regardless of what Americans said about the matter"...
Koh is a key test case in the "judicial wars." If he makes it through (which he will if he gets even a single GOP vote) the message to the Obama team will be: You can pick 'em as radical as you like.

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