Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NBC Uses Kemp Obit to Tout Obama's Election as Proof U.S. a 'Great' Nation

In a brief item Monday evening about Jack Kemp's passing, the NBC Nightly News delivered an obit on Kemp's life, but while Brian Williams didn't find room in his 37-second update to mention how Kemp was behind the successful, supply-side Regan tax cuts, he decided it was newsworthy to point out how

“Kemp was a conservative purist who, in a letter to his grandchildren months before his death, said the election of Barack Obama was proof that we live in a great country.”

[The more important point is the inadvertent slip, contrary to the 'centrist/moderate' label being applied to Kemp throughout the MSM, that he was indeed a conservative purist.

It was he who largely supplied Reagan his 'trickle-down' supply-side economics plan and sold it not by watering it down by moving left, but by countering its detractors (many in the Republican party, ex. Bush 1's 'voodoo economics') with vociferous+passionate counter arguments that carried the day (and literally saved an economy - to say nothing of liberties).

So yeah; really good guy - but not for the reasons the MSM will try to convince you of today.]



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