Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Examiner Editorial: Politicians shun facts, blow hot air on climate change

[Yes, that Examiner...]

Former Vice President Al Gore’s appearance on Capitol Hill on Friday capped four days of testimony that elevated climate alarmism over sound science. Unfortunately, compliant news media allow Gore’s bloviating to obscure the “inconvenient truths” that would greatly unsettle his eco-political agenda.

Federal legislators are now poised to move forward with punitive anti-emissions schemes such as cap-and-trade that ignore important and highly relevant new studies. These studies indicate that astronomical influences, not man-made emissions, may be largely to blame for any warming or cooling trends on Earth.

Moreover, the whole idea of “global warming” is now in serious doubt.

Don Easterbrook, a geologist at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Wash., is among the many scientists who now think the planet has entered into a cooling cycle that could persist for decades...

[But it was never about climate.]


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