Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tea Party Crowds Protest Federal Spending And Intervention action

Tanya Bachand has always been interested in politics, though she viewed it as largely a spectator sport. "I never felt compelled to get off my couch ... and do something," said the 34-year-old attorney from Wallingford.

But as she grew increasingly alarmed by the billions of dollars the federal government was spending on bailout and stimulus packages, Bachand was driven to act: She recently joined a burgeoning grass-roots political uprising known as the Tea Party movement.

"These packages are being pushed through with no deliberation," said Branford resident Pam Fowler, who is 49 and works as a technology facilitator at a local elementary school. "The pork, the earmarks. … It just feels out of control"

Ultimately, Bachand said, the Tea Parties aren't about party politics. "We want to have a real conversation about the direction of the country," she said. "I'm troubled by the bailouts. ... I'm personally opposed to any government intervention in private business."

In her view, it comes down to a single question: "Do you believe in individual responsibility or do you believe that the government should take care of every little nook and cranny of our lives."

"I felt a responsibility, as a parent and as a citizen, to do something," said Bachand, who has a 9-year-old son. She is now organizing a similar demonstration in New Haven on April 15, one of a number of tax day protests planned around the nation...


image toon - 1st mny lbrty bbro sclm - Give me liberty or give me a bailout

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