Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Indictment looms in illegal transfer of nuke technology to Iran

It seems that a Chinese national has been caught red handed setting up dummy corporations in order to effect the transfer of technology to Iran that can be used to build a nuke:

The Manhattan district attorney's office has smashed a sinister plot to smuggle nuclear weapons materials to Iran through unwitting New York banks, the Daily News has learned.

Officials plan to unseal a 118-count indictment Tuesday accusing a Chinese national of setting up a handful of fake companies to hide that he was selling millions of dollars in potential nuclear materials to Tehran.

"This case will cut off a major source of supply to Iran and it shows how they are going ahead full steam to get a nuclear bomb. Long-range missiles they pretty much have already," a law enforcement source close to the case said.

"We think it is one of the largest suppliers of weapons of mass destruction to Iran."

The indictment will outline the financial conspiracy behind 58 different transactions, including shipments of various banned materials from China to Iran between 2006 and late 2008.

The plot came to light several months ago during an investigation of an Iranian money laundering caper in Great Britain. Good catch by both the Brits and our FBI but you have to wonder how many transfers have slipped through without our knowledge?

That's the kind of thing that keeps our spooks up at night, even if only the New York Daily News feels it a vital enough story to publish.


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