Wednesday, April 8, 2009

American 'arrogance' on display in Africa

While President Barack Obama (D) apologizes for our "arrogance" to Europe and Turkey - the very arrogance that saved the former from Nazism and Communism and the latter from even more chaos - maybe he will credit America and his predecessor for this bit of truly inspiring American can do work. The result is truly inspiring:

A U.S. program launched during the Bush administration has cut AIDS deaths by 10 percent in targeted African nations compared to their neighbors and saved more than a million lives, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

Last July, the U.S. Congress voted to spend $48 billion to expand PEPFAR for five years to treat and prevent AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere...

Will the Africans appreciate America? Probably not. But we'll continue to fund and to help because Americans can rise above such pettiness; Americans are arrogant because they take positive actions while the Europeans sink more and more into passivity and helplessness while blaming their failures on the U.S.


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