Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lawmakers, Veteran Groups Debate JROTC Program in San Francisco


The fight to keep Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps programs in San Francisco's high schools is far from over, despite a last-minute push by veterans groups across the country. And who ultimately wins the battle could determine the future of the program in many cities throughout the U.S.

"We should be doing as much as we can to get children to stay in school and promote leadership development and community service," ... "This is about the students' right to choose and about programs that work"

Opponents of JROTC programs, meanwhile, say educating students should remain a role for civilians, and not for retired members of the armed forces...

"This is military training, it's that simple," .. "This is about softening up very impressionable, open-minded, young teenagers to the cult of militarism. Military skills have no place in public schools."

[Who have life experiences more important to pass on to children than veterans? Cult of militarism? No place in public schools? 'Public' used to be synonymous with universal; for everyone. Evidently it's now to mean politically 'correct' only.

Yet another reason we need privatize education in the country and take it out of the hands of all levels of government. Things will only get worse until we do.]


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