Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ABC: Scaring Parents About Kid's Friend's Gun Owning Parents

[Meanwhile, in the MSM...]

Wait a minute Mom. Don't let little Johnny go to his buddy Tommy's house. Tommy's parents are psychos that own -- **gasp** -- GUNS! This is the message that ABC is telling parents in an April 10 piece headlined, "Before Arranging Playdates, Ask About Guns."

Here ABC attempts to make every gun owner seem like a lunatic just ready to blow and encourages parents to be deathly afraid of anyone that owns a gun. It encourages parents to pry into the lives of family members of their kid's friends and bases it all on the lies passed off as scary gun violence statistics... [snip]

ABC then introduces us to this PAX USA organization, the aforementioned "non-partisan" group that seems to sever as a left-wing Hollywood actor's resume plumper. And this group unleashes some obviously false statistics about guns.

"Nearly 1.7 million children live in homes with firearms that are loaded and unlocked, and every day eight children die from guns."

Um, no. That would be what the boys at the FBI call a lie... [snip]

According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2005 652 kids between ages 1 and 15 were killed by gunfire. And why so many between the ages of 15 and 18? The long and short answer is gangs. Unless most parents are sending their middle and late teenaged kids into gang infested areas to "play," it doesn't seem that they have much to worry about statistically.

But, logic and sense aren't ABC's goal, here. Alarmism and anti-Second Amendment rights is.


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