Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Iran Profilerates, We Disarm


The Obama administration and its European allies are preparing proposals that would shift strategy toward Iran by dropping a longstanding American insistence that Tehran rapidly shut down nuclear facilities during the early phases of negotiations over its atomic program, according to officials involved in the discussions.

And why would we bless Iran’s continued nuclear efforts, giving them the stamp of legitimacy, while we talk and talk and talk? Well, because Iran wouldn’t stop what they were doing:

European officials said there was general agreement that Iran would not accept the kind of immediate shutdown of its facilities that the Bush administration had demanded.

So we entirely capitulate, permit what has not previously been permitted and edge ever closer to accepting the inevitable:

”You have to design an approach that is sensitive to Iran’s pride,’ said Dr. ElBaradei, who has long argued in favor of allowing Iran to continue with a small, face-saving capacity to enrich nuclear fuel, under strict inspection. “

But what if they, you know, don’t want just a small, face-saving capacity?

Well, I suppose we’ll have to give in then too. And last week’s talk about nuclear nonproliferation? Ah, that applies only to us. The most visible, dangerous and immediate example of proliferation now gets a free pass from the U.S.

There is a fly-in-the-ointment. Israel may decide its existence is threatened and take military action.

Then we’d recoil in horror — shocked, just shocked — that another country would seek to stop the mullahs’ nuclear ambitions when all they wanted was a little respect. Israel becomes the world’s pariah and we benefit from its actions. Welcome to the world of American retreat and abdication.

Feel safer?


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