Monday, March 23, 2009

Why Are Democrats Faking on AIG Bonuses?

Several talk show hosts (like Laura Ingraham) were exposing the faked Democratic ignorance of the AIG bonuses just like Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass did on Sunday:

"What they're trying to drown out with all their screaming is that the Democrats knew all about the $165 million to the AIG suits. And the Obama White House knew all about it too."

Kass wrote the AIG bonuses present a real problem for the party of Hate the Rich:

But all this false congressional outrage and shrieking and fingerpointing should be understood for what it really is: Political buttocks-covering by Democrats who are worried about the 2010 elections, and afraid of losing their greatest symbolic weapon: The Evil Rich Guy.

Kass poked at the Washington reporters with the "tingles up their legs" to stop being enthralled and start being appalled at the Democratic charade...


image toon - 1st mny crpt reps libs - AIG = need pay top talent = bribes to OBY and DODD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only they all are faking on AIG bonuses. Just consider: the government comes to save AIG by injecting billions into its system and somehow manage to resuscitate it. Now the government owns 80% of the company and a few months later comes creaming hysterically about bonuses they knew will be paid for months and months, making it the biggest affair of the year so far and damaging what's left of the company's reputation (now owned by the government). Or am I missing something?

Take care,