Monday, March 23, 2009

Walid Phares on Obama's Iran message

Some thoughts from an Iran expert who has a track record of being right in the past. He is a man who should be listened to by the Obama Administration - but won't be. Here are some of his thoughts given to Russian and Lebanese TV stations in the wake of President Obama's message to Iran:

Washington wants to engage Iran on the ground of stopping the military nuclear program and ceasing support to Hezbollah and Hamas, while Tehran considers these matters as a no-go area of concession.

This statement by Obama may be an opportunity for the Iranian decision-makers to consider a u-turn on strategic matters, but the fact is that the regime feels it has the upper hand everywhere in the Middle East.

Why would they make concessions if their perception is that the US is already withdrawing from Iraq, is requesting their help in Afghanistan and is not committed to support democracy in Iran?

Dr. Phares believes there's a real chance that this overture will actually harden the position of the Iranian regime unless Ahmadinejad loses the presidential election this summer.

We don't see much from Obama with regard to shoring up our alliances with our friends nor do we see any recognition of the fact that our sped up withdrawal from Iraq may leave that country wide open to Iranian meddling.

In fact, there is little hope the current administration will do anything meaningful to counter growing Iranian strength and the subsequent threat they represent to our interests.


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