Monday, March 23, 2009

What Obama Hath Wrought (Updated: ACORN connection)

Populist rage fueled by the President himself has now entered an area not seen in American politics for generations:

The Connecticut Working Families Party this weekend has organized a bus tour that will make stops at the security-patrolled homes of AIG execs who are fearing for their lives.

"I know there's a lot of anger and a lot of rage about what's happened. We're not looking to foment rage unnecessarily, but what we want to do is give folks an opportunity to see what kinds of lifestyle billions of dollars in credit-default swaps can buy."

Right, they're not fomenting rage, they're just encouraging it. So if you happen to record someone's address so you can return in the dead of night, it's not like Working Families told you to!

This is the kind of thing that led to guillotines in France. Having a President who can direct populist rage against any target he chooses is so dangerous I am amazed there hasn't been more written about this.

P.W. Dunn emails:
The connection is not merely theoretical. Sweetness and Light points out that ACORN is a co-founder of the Connecticut Working Families Party. This is thuggish behavior by Obama's organization.


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