Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Taliban in dress, 52 others killed in Afghanistan

Gunbattles and airstrikes by NATO and Afghan troops killed 53 militants in Afghanistan, including a wanted Taliban commander who tried to hide from soldiers under a woman's burqa, officials said Saturday.


Talking to Taliban is Pointless and an Act of Surrender
By Dr. Sami Alrabaa

Is it really possible to appease the Taliban? Hillary Clinton described Obama’s wish as “naïve and irresponsible”.

Thus far, the Taliban has violated all agreement reached with the NATO forces in Afghanistan. The latest was with the British. After promising not to attack a girls’ school in southern Afghanistan, the Taliban did assault the school and killed 12 students and three English language teachers.

In 2007, an inmate in Guantanamo with number 008 and called Abdulrasul was released. Back in southern Afghanistan, he rejoined the Talibans and is coordinating insurgence against the Afghan army, police, and Western forces.

The Taliban has no interest whatsoever in negotiating with the West and to live in peace. A peace agreement would mean an end to them and the flow of money...


image toon - gwot - Moderate Taliban only cut off one hand

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