Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No Cost Stimulus Act a bipartisan solution

If Obama truly wants to provide solutions that would help America's economic situation and move Congress forward towards a greater spirit of non-partisan cooperation, he will support the No Cost Stimulus Act.

The No Cost Stimulus Act of 2009, recently introduced by Congressman Rob Bishop (R–UT) and Senator David Vitter (R–LA), would create an expected two million new jobs. Not "save or create," (designed to claim success for the original stimulus plan no matter what happens) but "create."

The No Cost Stimulus Act of 2009 would do this by expanding domestic energy supply and streamlining burdensome, unnecessary environmental review processes that have placed a stranglehold on access to reliable U.S. energy sources for decades.

It would do so by opening up offshore drilling, utilizing a small strip of ANWR for our energy needs and streamline regulations. As the Heritage Foundation notes, not only would easing the offshore drilling restrictions create jobs, it would also provide some much-needed short term energy security:

An estimated 19 billion barrels of oil—nearly 30 years of current imports from Saudi Arabia—as well as substantial natural gas reserves are estimated to lie beneath these restricted areas.

Bishop and Vitter compare this to the earlier stimulus attempt:

The last “stimulus” was 1,071 pages, cost $787 billion and is already at the receiving end of criticism for its potential effectiveness. Our legislation doesn’t cost a dime...

The bill is not perfect. It requires a significant portion of the revenue from ANWR to be used for new energy research, research that presumably would already be happening if it were likely to be profitable any time soon.

But the bill is designed to be agreeable to both parties and congressional democrats will find that aspect of it heartwarming. The extension of state boundaries to expand offshore drilling should be very attractive to democrats from coastal states. There ought to be more than enough here to make a real, bipartisan difference.

If President Obama meant what he said during the campaign, he will forcefully back this bill and urge Congress to get it done for the good of America.


Then >

"SUPPORT The Bishop-Vitter No Cost Stimulus Act of 2009"

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