Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cheney says Obama endangers U.S.

Asked Sunday on CNN if President Obama’s policies are making the U.S. less safe, former Vice President Dick Cheney said: “Yes.”

Looking slimmer and relaxed, Cheney told John King on “State of the Union” that Bush administration policies on detention and interrogation of suspected terrorists – some of which were immediately modified by Obama — “were absolutely essential” to preventing another 9/11-style attack...


White House: Cheney almost as popular as Limbaugh
The White House says former Vice President Dick Cheney is the second most popular member of the "Republican cabal," behind only talk-show host Rush Limbaugh. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs on Monday brushed off Cheney's criticism of President Barack Obama's new administration.

Cheney said Sunday that Obama's decisions are threatening the nation's safety. Obama reversed many of his predecessor's executive orders, including how the country treats suspected terrorists.

[So the White House's response to a deadly-serious policy question is to attack Cheney personally - evidently for not being 'popular'.]


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