Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama’s Greenhouse Tax Gamble

In proposing mandatory caps on the greenhouse gases linked to global warming theory and a system for auctioning permits to companies that emit them, President Obama is taking on a huge economic risk.

Business lobbies and many Republicans raised loud objections to the cap-and-trade program Mr. Obama proposed as part of his budget this week, saying the plan amounted to a gigantic and permanent tax...

[Gingrich made a good point a CPAC, carried on CSPAN over the weekend, to the effect that Obama, were he truthful with the American people {or were the media, for that matter}, would amend his "tax reduction for 95% of Americans" to include the qualifier 'except those who use electricity, or buy gas for their cars, or heat their home with heating oil or natural gas'. Worse, being an energy tax, it hits literally every business in the nation.

I can't see how anyone can see his actions as consistent with the goal of stimulating the economy. Now if the goal is expanding the power of government, 'controlling' carbon is the brass ring...]


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