Wednesday, March 4, 2009

California unemployment rate reaches 10.1%

Lackluster spending on clothes, cars, legal services and most everything else has left California's economy listless, just about guaranteeing that the state's 10.1% unemployment in January will march upward until at least the end of the year, economists predicted.

The Golden State lost 79,300 payroll jobs in January, pushing the monthly unemployment rate to its highest level since June 1983, when the country was starting to recover from a deep recession.

"California is hemorrhaging faster than the U.S. economy,"

said Sung Won Sohn, an economist at Cal State Channel Islands. California consistently has ranked among a handful of states with the country's highest unemployment.

[And nowhere in the article does it make any mention of our politicians having spent the state into oblivion, this despite the highest tax rates in the nation, or the exodus of tax-paying Californian's from the state because of it.

No, it's all just a function of the big recession and not enough federal stimulus dollars to bail us out. No link to the chronic mismanagement of the state - that might appear partisan {given the one-party-lock of Sacramento}.

'Professional' reporting.]


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