Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Liberal derangement

There has never been a situation like this.

‘Surreal’, as Daniel Pipes expostulates, just doesn’t begin to describe what America, Britain and Europe are doing in Gaza. America has pledged $900 million for the ‘rebuilding’ of Gaza; at the ‘donors’ conference at Sharm el Sheikh yesterday, pledges from more than 70 states including Europe and Britain swelled that total to more than $4.4 billion.

These governments all piously intone that the money will not end up in the hands of Hamas. This is utterly absurd. Hamas run Gaza. They control it. Nothing happens there without their say-so. UNRWA, which is apparently supposed to distribute the humanitarian aid, is riddled with Hamas operatives amongst its staff; Hamas won more than 80 percent of the vote in the last election -- for the UNRWA workers association and the UNRWA teachers association. [snip]

In no other global conflict do the nations of the world throw money at an area waging aggressive war, even while it is still lobbing missiles at its victims.

According to Israel’s ambassador to the UN, there have been nearly 100 rocket and mortar attacks from the Gaza Strip since the ’ceasefire’ on January 18. These have been increasing in number, with 12 rockets fired at Sderot on March 1 alone. On Saturday morning, two new and improved Grad rockets, capable of yet greater destruction than before, hit Ashkelon; one hit a school.

And for this Gaza is to be rewarded to the tune of $4.4 billion.

Even the Saudis seem to think this is mad...


image toon gwot israel - Clinton's 900M to 'Palestinians' goes to Hamas

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